1.   American truck drivers and their union, along with a number of Democrats and Republicans, have been battling to keep Mexican trucks in Mexico.

2.   And it is easy to see how truck drivers can slip by what Texas officials say is a stopgap attempt to regulate Mexican trucks.

3.   And some officials from the border states have voiced similar concerns about unsafe Mexican trucks traveling on U.S. highways and through cities.

4.   And while Congress debates opening U.S. highways to Mexican trucks, truckers from both nations wonder if it will help or hurt their businesses.

5.   Arizona Department of Public Safety officers have been conducting training programs in recent weeks in Sonora to help educate Mexican truck drivers about U.S. rules and safety guidelines.

6.   Before Mexican trucks are admitted, the Transportation Department, which has strengthened its inspection facilities along the border, must certify that these trucks are generally safe.

7.   Both chambers had previously defied the president on the Mexican trucks issue.

8.   Both Mexican officials and Giermanski say the number of Mexican trucks added to U.S. highways under NAFTA will be far less than the U.S. transportation department estimates.

9.   A big issue the Teamsters will use to gauge candidates is whether they pledge to restrict Mexican trucks from hauling goods north of the border.

10.   A NAFTA arbitration panel ruled earlier that the ban on Mexican trucks was in violation of the trade agreement.

a. + truck >>共 826
light 10.33%
mexican 5.40%
military 4.83%
heavy 3.83%
new 2.53%
large 2.46%
big 2.27%
small 2.01%
armored 1.89%
commercial 1.75%
mexican + n. >>共 714
government 7.24%
stock 4.58%
official 4.43%
authority 2.39%
peso 2.35%
border 2.07%
truck 1.93%
economy 1.91%
immigrant 1.73%
company 1.65%
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