1.   America is two-minded about Mexican immigrants.

2.   An Bush-backed amnesty proposal was criticized last year by some in Congress who said it unfairly favored Mexican immigrants over those from other countries.

3.   An increasing number of Mexican immigrants have gravitated to New York City in recent years, including the Jackson Heights section of Queens.

4.   Ana C. Zigal, an immigration lawyer in Baltimore, said she represented a young college student married to an illegal Mexican immigrant who installs air-conditioners for a living.

5.   And he has expressed outrage at the violence Mexican immigrants have endured from U.S. Border Patrol agents and ranchers in Arizona.

6.   And in the U.S. Southwest, Mexican immigrants and the Mexican-American children of earlier immigrants constitute the largest and fastest-growing minority.

7.   And he created a cabinet-level Office for Mexicans Abroad, whose officials keep in close contact with Mexican immigrant groups in the United States.

8.   And yet he can startle lily-white Republican audiences full of stout women in pearls with sympathetic remarks about Mexican immigrants.

9.   And typically, Mexican immigrants pay that fee upfront.

10.   And when Ms. Zuniga, a Mexican immigrant, came home from the store in July, she found her apartment empty and her children gone.

a. + immigrant >>共 677
illegal 35.99%
legal 7.33%
new 3.51%
russian 2.79%
undocumented 2.30%
chinese 2.29%
mexican 2.26%
would-be 2.13%
recent 2.00%
asian 1.13%
mexican + n. >>共 714
government 7.24%
stock 4.58%
official 4.43%
authority 2.39%
peso 2.35%
border 2.07%
truck 1.93%
economy 1.91%
immigrant 1.73%
company 1.65%
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