1.   Along with the Mexican peso, the Italian lira and others, the dollar is being deserted by nervous investors who want safe places to park their money.

2.   Allyn also credits the Clinton administration for keeping a steady eye on Latin America to insure there is not another Mexican peso crisis.

3.   Among conservatives, the proposal to shore up the shrinking Mexican peso was a constant target.

4.   Among the currencies in which traders expect volume will swell are the Mexican peso, the Czech koruna, the Malaysian ringgit and the yuan.

5.   An interest-rate cut also could make the dollar less attractive during a time when people are trading the Mexican peso for dollars, analysts have said.

6.   Among their concerns is the Mexican peso, which could weaken again later this year.

7.   An opponent of abortion, Bonior also bucked President Clinton by leading the charge against the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Mexican peso bailout.

8.   Areas along the border with Mexico continue to be hurt by the decline in value of the Mexican peso.

9.   Argentine stocks declined as a drop in the Mexican peso prompted concern that Argentina could be forced to devalue its currency.

10.   Argentine stocks fell as allegations of corruption within the government and a decline in the value of the Mexican peso rattled investors.

a. + peso >>共 123
mexican 20.13%
philippine 19.91%
weaker 12.59%
stronger 7.47%
argentine 4.54%
strong 3.07%
weakening 2.12%
weak 2.12%
cuban 2.05%
stable 1.90%
mexican + n. >>共 714
government 7.24%
stock 4.58%
official 4.43%
authority 2.39%
peso 2.35%
border 2.07%
truck 1.93%
economy 1.91%
immigrant 1.73%
company 1.65%
每页显示:    共 273