1.   Investors are holding out from Mexican stocks until they see clear signs of an economic recovery.

2.   Along with Mexican stocks, Luke recommends Venezuelan bonds.

3.   American depositary receipts of Latin American companies climbed today as Mexican stocks rose to a record.

4.   American owners of Mexican stocks took the biggest hit, suffering not only from the devaluation but also from falling stock prices.

5.   Analysts at Deutsche Morgan Grenfell and Daiwa Securities America Inc. raised their weightings of Mexican stocks, while they lowered those of Brazil and Argentina.

6.   And so far, the drop in Mexican stocks has not been tinged by scandal.

7.   At midday, Mexican stocks reversed their three-day slide.

8.   Besides hurting the dollar value of Mexican stocks, a weakening peso can drive up inflation because imported goods become more expensive.

9.   A cheaper peso makes Mexican stocks less valuable and raises the likelihood of higher interest rates.

10.   A falling peso makes Mexican stocks worth less in dollar terms and can force inflation and interest rates higher.

a. + stock >>共 735
japanese 8.79%
canadian 3.09%
financial 3.06%
mexican 2.95%
european 2.02%
philippine 1.85%
brazilian 1.71%
colombian 1.71%
chilean 1.69%
new 1.59%
mexican + n. >>共 714
government 7.24%
stock 4.58%
official 4.43%
authority 2.39%
peso 2.35%
border 2.07%
truck 1.93%
economy 1.91%
immigrant 1.73%
company 1.65%
每页显示:    共 534