1.   Also most large Mexican companies trade directly on the New York Stock Exchange.

2.   Amidst the battle for Latin American leadership, Mexican companies invade Brazil.

3.   American firms, such as Swift, are eyeing acquisition of Mexican companies as a way to get into that market.

4.   American shares of Mexican companies also gained.

5.   Among his favorites is the Mexico fund, the oldest and largest closed-end fund investing in Mexican companies.

6.   Analysts said that hurt the image of all Mexican companies.

7.   Analysts said the Mexican company has repeatedly expressed interest in grabbing part of the U.S. long-distance market --especially the Spanish- speaking market.

8.   And Bell Atlantic Corp. got the go-ahead from Mexico to assume management of the second-largest Mexican cellular company in February.

9.   Analysts said the Mexican company has repeatedly expressed interest in grabbing part of the U.S. long-distance market --especially the Spanish-speaking market.

10.   And they never got hit as hard as some bonds of Mexican companies such as Cemex SA.

a. + company >>共 660
insurance 5.96%
the 4.70%
new 3.88%
foreign 3.26%
private 3.26%
japanese 2.69%
american 2.14%
small 1.80%
big 1.78%
pharmaceutical 1.69%
mexican 0.27%
mexican + n. >>共 714
government 7.24%
stock 4.58%
official 4.43%
authority 2.39%
peso 2.35%
border 2.07%
truck 1.93%
economy 1.91%
immigrant 1.73%
company 1.65%
每页显示:    共 193