71.   International trading in derivatives has been booming despite the collapse of Barings PLC and the Mexican economic crisis, the Bank for International Settlements said Tuesday.

72.   Krugman said the Asian crisis was the second biggest disaster of the decade after the Mexican crisis.

73.   Much of the previous analysis of the Mexican crisis focused on the role of foreign investors.

74.   Observers said Brazilians feeling the aftershocks of the Mexican crisis rushed to cut their losses selling off their stocks.

75.   Summers said Wednesday that in the past, a Mexican financial crisis and government corruption scandal would have hurt other economies in the region.

76.   Summers said in the past, a Mexican financial crisis and government corruption scandal would have hurt other economies in the region.

77.   The dollar was driven lower against the Japanese yen and the Deutsche mark amid concern that the Mexican financial crisis would hurt the U.S. economy.

78.   The July capital outflows proved smaller than those that followed the Mexican crisis.

79.   The lessons are also clear --they are not dissimilar to those we thought we learned from the Mexican crisis.

80.   The Mexican crisis raised fears that other developing countries, including the Philippines, might be vulnerable to similar currency shocks.

a. + crisis >>共 401
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asian 8.14%
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mexican + n. >>共 714
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