1.   The council demanded that we remove the posters, or face legal action.

2.   The director faces disciplinary action.

3.   The demands for an inquiry had been prompted by the testimony of soldiers and officers facing disciplinary action for breaking the bones of Arab demonstrators.

4.   However, both Exxon and the state of Alaska are still facing legal action from local fishermen, environmental groups and native American Indian villagers.

5.   A Gulf war hero will be flown back to his ship tomorrow to face disciplinary action after going absent without leave.

6.   A manager at the government communications headquarters faces disciplinary action after official records were destroyed.

7.   The catering manager at GCHQ in Cheltenham is one of fifteen officers from the Civil Service catering organisation facing action.

v. + action >>共 497
take 38.73%
see 3.24%
threaten 2.57%
face 1.92%
consider 1.87%
defend 1.71%
demand 1.44%
plan 1.01%
delay 0.98%
await 0.94%
face + n. >>共 753
charge 11.01%
problem 3.34%
competition 3.22%
challenge 3.13%
trial 2.93%
opposition 2.38%
pressure 2.10%
criticism 1.52%
life 1.47%
difficulty 1.41%
action 0.91%
每页显示:    共 297