1.   Majority Nationalist Party agreed to advance debate on the proposals after earlier saying they wanted to delay action.

2.   Their tough stance followed talks at Camp David in which Mr Bush agreed to delay action until the new year.

3.   Was it fair to anybody to delay action which might hurt innocent investors?

4.   Opposition politicians accused the government of complacency in delaying action to remove lead from petrol.

5.   Amid the clamor for help, Congress shut down Friday for its August recess and delayed action until September on an emergency aid package.

6.   Analysts expressed concern that the delay of this and other government economic data could delay action by the Fed to support the economy.

7.   And Sensenbrenner announced that he would delay committee action on the legislation until next week.

8.   As NBC officials pleaded with game officials to delay the game, a fan ran onto the field, delaying the action for several minutes.

9.   At the same time, Peres has tried to delay sensitive actions, for instance by suspending Israeli withdrawal from Hebron until after the election.

10.   Before dumping the poison, Fish and Game must formally make the proposal and then hold public hearings, which would delay any action at least until next year.

v. + action >>共 497
take 38.73%
see 3.24%
threaten 2.57%
face 1.92%
consider 1.87%
defend 1.71%
demand 1.44%
plan 1.01%
delay 0.98%
await 0.94%
delay + n. >>共 1028
start 3.70%
flight 3.18%
decision 2.89%
vote 2.51%
plan 2.11%
trial 1.86%
action 1.71%
project 1.64%
departure 1.63%
release 1.59%
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