1.   Jacob has defended the action, saying she supports the panel but questions the amount of money it spends.

2.   Many organisations seemed to have an in-built reluctance to defend their actions or even to provide a constructive and forceful image.

3.   The action is jointly defended by the historian Count Nikolai Tolstoy, who supplied much of the information for the pamphlet.

4.   The cabinet rallied around the Prime Minister, defending the action he had taken.

5.   The ANC defended its actions, repeating its contention that the demonstration had been peaceful and that its members should be free to engage in peaceful political activity.

6.   He is quick to defend the actions of the few compulsive thieves who, he says, are mentally ill.

7.   Such an order would prevent the defendants using that information for any purpose of defending an action in the Commercial Court.

8.   A businessman whose brother and nephew were killed in the American raid on Baghdad has criticised the Government for defending the action.

9.   Also Wednesday, Linda R. Tripp, who triggered the Lewinsky probe, defended her actions in her first extended comments on the case.

v. + action >>共 497
take 38.73%
see 3.24%
threaten 2.57%
face 1.92%
consider 1.87%
defend 1.71%
demand 1.44%
plan 1.01%
delay 0.98%
await 0.94%
defend + n. >>共 1526
champion 8.97%
title 5.82%
decision 4.75%
action 2.77%
right 2.52%
currency 1.54%
record 1.38%
policy 1.36%
position 1.24%
practice 1.12%
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