1.   A deputy prime minister, Yulia Timoshenko, is facing criminal charges for tax fraud, smuggling and forgery.

2.   A farmer is facing charges of cruelty and neglect.

3.   Any officials who accept bribes will face criminal charges.

4.   Baldwin faces charges of reckless driving.

5.   But customers should remember that they could face other charges on top of the interest such as monthly fees.

6.   Daniels faces charges of impersonating a Navy officer.

7.   Exporters will face extra charges for transporting animals inspected by independently nominated veterinarians, said Junior agriculture minister Elliot Morley.

8.   Flynn will not face criminal charges in the case, the sources said.

9.   For a start, they are likely to face charges of corruption and electoral fraud.

v. + charge >>共 338
deny 18.21%
face 15.71%
file 11.12%
take 5.68%
drop 5.16%
bring 4.59%
dismiss 2.83%
press 2.59%
lead 1.53%
reject 1.25%
face + n. >>共 753
charge 11.01%
problem 3.34%
competition 3.22%
challenge 3.13%
trial 2.93%
opposition 2.38%
pressure 2.10%
criticism 1.52%
life 1.47%
difficulty 1.41%
每页显示:    共 3580