1.  Although his team had lost, somewhat convincingly, he believed the competition had won.

2.  As a character she emerges more sketchily, despite a somewhat thin account of a painful childhood.

3.  Dense, crowded plants bloom best, and container plants flower best if somewhat root-bound.

4.  Culleton was somewhat gentler in his assessment of Diallo's behavior, but said he had been acting suspiciously, peering out from the stoop of his building.

5.  Derek Jeter also has been struggling somewhat, already compiling seven strikeouts.

6.  Departing somewhat from her three basic forms, they are multipart compositions, sometimes of clustered shapes.

7.  Delinquency rates so far are in line with America, and total consumer credit is still somewhat lower in South Korea relative to household income.

8.  Dell has long targeted more sophisticated customers who are likely to buy more high-end machines where profit margins are somewhat higher.

9.  Curacao residents speak Papiamento, an amalgam of English, Spanish and Dutch, explaining the fact that his English (for an American audience) is somewhat halting.

10.  Despite being surrounded by water, the father seemed somewhat at ease.

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