81.  Although prices for plasma televisions manufactured by companies like NEC, Sony, Fujitsu and Pioneer have dropped somewhat, they are still very high.

82.  As a result, his campaign has been somewhat muted since Labor Day, with most of his public events reserved for weekends.

83.  As combatant and prominent headliner of this weekend's game, Sanders' role is somewhat defined.

84.  Dole has somewhat tempered his rhetoric regarding the character issue on this bus tour.

85.  Dole was somewhat defensive about his decision on Wednesday, declaring that the concessions he won are "not a fig-leaf."

86.  Discount chains are expected to be hurt somewhat by sluggishness in seasonal merchandise such as lawn tools and plants because of cold weather in many regions.

87.  Dole scored among the two-thirds of the GOP voters who called themselves moderates or somewhat conservative.

88.  Dole, to his credit, was somewhat restrained during what may have been an ordeal for a man of stoic mien with an ironic view of politics.

89.  Doleman seemed somewhat amused at all the questions about Pace, but the young man was the No. 1 pick in April's draft.

90.  Dole's triumph in South Carolina on Saturday seemed like a turning point, but he ran somewhat less powerfully Tuesday in Georgia.

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