41.  Arts organizations are somewhat prepared for cuts to the city's cultural budget.

42.  As biography, the film is somewhat suspect.

43.  Despite its valiant _ and somewhat comical _ attempts to do otherwise, BET can't point to much else.

44.  Despite Lott's prediction that no veto would be needed, the president's threat was somewhat risky.

45.  Despite several army coups over the years, Turkey has remained somewhat stable, with a working parliament, rule of law and free press.

46.  Differences in the wording and order of questions, for instance, can lead to somewhat varying results.

47.  Despite the dramatic announcement, the boy's immediate fate was still somewhat uncertain.

48.  DataQuick Chief Executive Donald Cohn said the firm was "somewhat surprised" at the rapid rate of price increase.

49.  Despite the film's downcast tone, "Blonde" is somewhat of an inspirational tale.

50.  Despite the good prognosis for independent airlines, industry observers were somewhat cautious about Sierra's chances.

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