71.  As charming as the story-quilts initially seem, their texts, which appear somewhat illegibly on strips of cloth incorporated into the quilt, offer a counter-narrative.

72.  As chief of a somewhat more centralized Corporation for Public Broadcasting, he could do a lot more than simply auction off some surplus radio spectrum assets.

73.  As a result, diners in this area tend to be somewhat ignored by the servers: Out of sight, out of mind.

74.  Do these words sound somewhat familiar?

75.  Doctors who made the list were somewhat befuddled by how it reached its conclusions.

76.  Direct train connections from the three Italian cities to Rome are somewhat sparse.

77.  Doctors reconstructed her hand to look somewhat normal but said she likely would never use it.

78.  Does it fit within the way in which presidents have routinely exercised the pardon power or is it somewhat unusual?

79.  Does that mean it's somewhat of an impossible expectation to construct a team based on October failures?

80.  Dole altered her pitch somewhat Wednesday.

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