71.  Dole had previously kept the donors names secret _ the same policy Gingrich embraced when he ran the political action committee, GOPAC.

72.  Defense attorney Terence Lynam opposed the motion, saying prosecutors are making the same arguments that were rejected by Strand previously.

73.  Defense attorneys previously have painted Shipp as a drunk and a womanizing hanger-on.

74.  Director Michael Winterbottom's drama involves a now rich townsman who previously swapped his wife and infant daughter for a claim.

75.  Directors declared a final dividend of 44 cents from 43 cents previously.

76.  DiRomualdo, 50, a former Naval aviator and a graduate of the Harvard Business School, had previously been president and chief executive of Borders Inc.

77.  Dole, who had previously questioned whether tobacco is addictive, did not take a stand on the proposed regulations.

78.  Discrepancies in job benefits and the quality of work life have also grown, pointing to a bigger chasm than previously recognized.

79.  Defense Secretary William Cohen will also be stopping in Indonesia next week, on a previously scheduled mission.

80.  Dole recently called for re-evaluating affirmative action guidelines, surprising because he previously defended them.

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