11.  Delta pilots will earn 1 percent more than United pilots, who previously had the top pay rates.

12.  Derrick, top in-house counsel for the company who previously worked at Vinson & Elkins, retired from Enron effective March 1.

13.  Desc plans to sell 19.89 million Series C shares, which were held previously in the company's treasury.

14.  Despite a decade and a half of recording, she had only previously received one award, for best long-form video in 1991.

15.  Cut the fish fillets (I used previously frozen true cod but snapper is OK) into large hunks and add to the pot.

16.  Democrats objected that the amendments were weaker versions of proposals they had previously offered.

17.  Demschar previously coached the Austrian women for nine years and the Austrian men for six years before that.

18.  Despite the fact that the victim's husband had previously identified another suspect as the gunman, Pratt was convicted in 1972 of the murder.

19.  Despite previously admitting weakness, other retailers showed strength as well.

20.  Despite Sagan's devotion to aliens, his early achievements helped show that they were less likely in some places than scientists had previously thought.

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