61.  As chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, Jeffords said he had always previously been invited to the annual event.

62.  Digital had previously said it was conducting a third review for an agency to handle regional assignments in markets like Europe and Latin America.

63.  Do I get back to the level I was at previously?

64.  Do they want oil production increased, as Governor Bush now says, or reduced as Dick Cheney previously urged?"

65.  Doctors previously had determined that Wilson's older sister, Patty Gosnell, did not have matching marrow.

66.  Documents previously released by the White House detail at least 24 separate contacts with Enron officials through personal meetings, letters or phone calls.

67.  Does the turmoil, which previously had been confined mainly to the currency markets, pose a serious threat to the American economy?

68.  Doerfler previously was senior vice president and chief financial officer of ABC and its predecessor, Capital Cities/ABC.

69.  Deerfield, Illinois-based Baxter's share of the settlement will be $128 million, within a previously established reserve account, Carter said.

70.  --Defended his position that major contributors were entitled to what he previously described as a "respectable hearing."

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