91.  As a result, investors in the country's largest mutual fund got zilch this year instead of the $4.32 per share previously indicated.

92.  As a result, oil stockpiles are lower than previously expected.

93.  As a result, some House members said the trial may take less time than previously expected.

94.  Dorman previously was a top-ranking executive at Pacific Bell and Sprint.

95.  Dmitri Zimin, previously a senior manager at the Mintz Radio Technical Institute, holds a 45 percent stake in the company.

96.  Demand for new and previously owned homes -- two key gauges of economic strength -- weakened in April, according to government and industry figures.

97.  Donnellan said scientists were just beginning to realize there might be more seismic activity in the area than previously thought when the Northridge Quake hit.

98.  Donohue, the associate administrator for research and acquisitions at the FAA, previously was a vice president at the California-based Rand Corp. working on aviation issues.

99.  Dobson Park previously has shunned the offer in light of an improvement in performance at its Longwall International Ltd. subsidiary, which makes equipment for the coal mining industry.

100.  Down had previously been the general manager's choice, yet he didn't get the job.

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