81.  We do have more classes per week than almost each other department in our university, but it does not mean that we are bookworms who bury ourselves in piles of books and papers to do research work.

82.  The number of subjects does not equal time and energy students put on study.

83.  The department of literature arranges a few courses but students in the department have to read and think critically a lot after class.

84.  Personally, I learned how to plan as a whole and work together through my experience of dealing with study and work at the same time.

85.  Once we became a member of a team, we would try our best to contribute to it.

86.  Large quantity of terrific projects in different classes have proved such responsibility.

87.  When people in other departments found DII students could hold activities well, when we found that top students were also Dota masters, when we heard the dialogue on The World is Flat between two of the staff in libraries, the net of stereotyping on campus gradually decayed and we could see a brighter and broader world in front of us.

88.  Stereotypes on campus\

89.  There are lots of stereotypes everywhere, surely including the university campus.

90.  I had a lot of stereotypes in my mind before I entered the university.

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