61.  I clearly remember that I was on the edge of crumbling when I went to Mt Zhang, who is both a teacher and a friend of mine.

62.  I could have plenty of free time to enjoy, do what I want and no longer linger in depression.

63.  Above is a stereotyping of high school students.

64.  I once read an article of Bai Yansong, a famous host of CCTV and also a criticizer of this opinion.

65.  In NJU, this kind of stereotyping is not that serious, mainly because NJU is really academic.

66.  About stereotyping, some of them benefit us, while some are harmful.

67.  I have ever witnessed some stories of stereotyping on campus.

68.  There are many kinds of jobs for them to choose from.

69.  When hearing of this, most of them just turned to me and asked in a skeptical tone, "Are you going to do that? "

70.  Until now, many of the students still have this kind of stereotype about choosing jobs.

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