71.  We are all those who are selected from thousands of people, and we can not do that.

72.  " Though they have been educated that all the jobs are equal, they are afraid of losing face.

73.  They do not join any clubs or small societies because they think that is a waste of time.

74.  I have ever met this kind of people in our college.

75.  I hope someday stereotypes can step out of our life and all of us can have a happy life in Nanjing University.

76.  I still remember how I was treated when I took an interview for positions in the Youth League Committee at the end of freshman year.

77.  When interviewers got a glimpse of where I was from---DII, the Department of Intensive Instruction, their eyes opened wider shining gently.

78.  It reminded me of an irony scene in film Freedom Writers: An African-American with straight A's was always set as a particular striking example more because of the seemingly impossible combination of humble race and high grades than her hard work and due achievements.

79.  I did not realize a stereotype until many seniors in DII admitted having been set in such embarrassment and until the leader stressed on presence in each meeting and activity to me in private after the first assembly of the organization.

80.  In his eyes, DII students could not coordinate activities into study well, who always had various excuses of study as obeisance for meetings and work.

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