11.  Stereotyping forced me to exclude any other talents or characteristics of a so-called good traditional Chinese girl.

12.  I am a student major in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language so it is quite essential to make advantage of stereotyping instead of being obstructed by it, which, I believe, would bring me more surprise when teaching.

13.  I think that there are lots of stereotyping happening on campus, but two stories made me puzzled and impressionistic.

14.  But I have to stay in Gulou because I have a lot of things to do in Gulou.

15.  So staying Gulou could be easier for me to do things of mine.

16.  The 2 lines were full of professors and students.

17.  So it is the first story of stereotyping happening on campus.

18.  The second one is most of the boys always choose their majors about natural sciences and the girls choose liberal arts.

19.  Because some of girls choose majors about natural sciences and some of boys choose majors about liberal arts, too.

20.  But most of them choose their majors in stereotyping ways.

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