81.  DeKalb schools rely heavily on money generated by the 1989 bond referendum to stay technologically current.

82.  Dole's campaign is strapped for cash, and he had relied heavily on his Senate staff, one of the largest on Capitol Hill.

83.  Delaware recruits heavily from neighboring New Jersey, as is evidenced by the 15 players on its roster from the Garden State.

84.  Dole's wife, Elizabeth Hanford Dole, is probably his closest adviser and campaigns heavily on his behalf.

85.  Distributors and retailers in this country who had invested heavily in the mediocre 1971 vintage and the poor 1972s lost sizable sums.

86.  Diversified economy heavily tilted toward manufacturing and tourism has made this one of the most prosperous island states in the eastern Caribbean.

87.  Dopey is definitely the word here, since the film's central gambit relies so heavily on drug humor.

88.  DOT DOT DOT: Ted Fang may have acquired the old San Francisco Examiner, but his paper's newest feature borrows heavily from The Chronicle.

89.  DeMarco was the council member with the longest tenure, having represented the heavily Republican district in the northeastern Bronx since 1970.

90.  Dockers Khakis (not to be confused with those swinging Gap Khakis) is the clothing label most heavily involved with independent film.

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