91.  Democracy relies heavily on participation on a daily basis."

92.  Doctors rely heavily on such staging systems to give prognoses.

93.  Democrats are also worried that the plan relies too heavily on borrowing.

94.  Democrats have requested hand counts in Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Volusia counties, all heavily Democratic counties.

95.  Donvier's current version of its 1985 model has an outer case that is more heavily insulated than the original's.

96.  Dornan is banking that opposition to abortion in the heavily Catholic Hispanic community will help him pull in votes.

97.  Democrats overwhelmingly opposed the use of force in the Persian Gulf in 1991 and voted heavily against the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1993.

98.  Democrats say the proposal falls short largely because it relies too heavily on the SEC.

99.  Dole played heavily on the controversy surrounding large contributions to Clinton and the Democratic National Committee from foreigners.

100.  Democrats, heavily backed by unions, are opposed to it.

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