71.  As a result, his composing technique is heavily reliant on technology.

72.  Dole has lambasted Clinton for a record of vacillation on China and other issues, and for relying too heavily on United Nations peacekeeping efforts early in his term.

73.  Dole contends that by lifting the embargo, the Muslim-led government would be in a better position to fend off already heavily armed Serb forces.

74.  Dole, Gramm and Alexander have campaigned heavily in the state.

75.  Discipline is heavily incorporated into Camp Meadowlark.

76.  Defense Secretary William J. Perry is relying heavily on this money to pay troops, to train them and to modernize weapons in the future.

77.  Dole later traveled to Ohio for a rally at Otterbein College in Westerville, a heavily Republican suburb of Columbus.

78.  Dole relied heavily on the support of these governors to carry the primaries, and they could be a big help in November, too.

79.  Dole stumped in heavily Republican central Pennsylvania last week, in the wake of a visit to the state by the president.

80.  Domestic gasoline is heavily subsidized by the government.

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