21.  As a lending company, CIT depends heavily on cheap capital to succeed.

22.  Deng was heavily criticized for his heresy and disappeared for a few years from party councils.

23.  Despite the partial federal-government shutdown, the most heavily visited portion of the Canyon's South Rim has remained open because of an agreement reached last week.

24.  Despite White House assurances that invitations were not based on campaign contributions, the documents reveal how heavily aides relied on the events to raise money.

25.  Deputy Chief John White said the rifle would provide the range and armor-piercing capability to have an impact against heavily armed criminals.

26.  Deputy District Attorney Lea Purwin D'Agostino has been campaigning heavily in the Valley, hoping to be able to get enough support to make a runoff election.

27.  Daimler-Benz is the third most heavily weighted stock in the index, accounting for more than 7.4 percent of its total value.

28.  Despite the success of its shows, King World is heavily reliant on its three big programs, each of whose distribution agreements terminates in the year 2000.

29.  Despite the withdrawal of Israeli troops from most of the Gaza Strip, its population is still heavily dependent on Israel.

30.  Desperate to break through the growing clutter of rival cable services, each network has paid heavily for the costly rights to highly visible sports events.

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