61.  Even more than usual, this television year raises pressing, wide-open questions for the future.

62.  Even so, Nardelli himself raised an issue he faces.

63.  Even so, the level of opposition raised doubts about community support for a new taxpayer-subsidized pleasure palace.

64.  Even so, the new numbers raise pointed questions about what many companies and stock market investors have been up to.

65.  Even so, they raise a concern.

66.  Elsewhere, Michael Moskow, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and a voting member of the FOMC, raised investor anxiety another notch.

67.  Finally Zonk raises his hand.

68.  Finally, he raised the gun toward Koogler, who fired once.

69.  First they raised elk artificially to build up the herds after hunters in the park had severely reduced them.

70.  For example, James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute, raised two questions often raised by others.

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