91.  However, the Arizona study raises questions.

92.  However, the coffee klatches detailed in the documents released Friday raised a laundry list of troubling questions for the White House.

93.  However, lawmakers from both parties raised concerns that the rush to pass the new laws might conflict with civil rights.

94.  However, the exhibition raised the question of the appropriateness of transforming the museum into a quasi-religious space.

95.  However, several justices raised concerns during the hourlong argument that perhaps the court should dismiss the case as moot.

96.  However, the decline in U.S. bonds and stocks soon raised doubts about whether investors would put their money in America, traders said.

97.  However, Harris raises a cautionary note.

98.  However, the developments raise acute ethical difficulties.

99.  However, the U.S. Chamber of Congress and the Canadian government raised concerns that such procedures would create congestion and damage cross-border commerce.

100.  However, the data selection raised concern in some investors and analysts that fewer patients with diabetic foot ulcers would in fact benefit from treatment with Dermagraft.

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