51.  Currently, the tax raises more money than Social Security needs each year to pay benefits.

52.  Decades ago, the introduction of photocopying machines as well as audio tape recorders raised copyright concerns.

53.  Early in this campaign, I raised some questions about popular culture and the industry that shapes it.

54.  Early in the quarter the dollar suffered after German officials raised doubts about the prospects for European monetary union.

55.  Earlier, the FDA staff raised concerns about potential heart problems that could be caused by the drug, known as Serlect or sertindole.

56.  Early in his term as governor, he raised taxes to reduce class sizes, add computers to classrooms and improve teacher training.

57.  Earlier in the day, McCain raised concerns about the balloting.

58.  Even more than the Geneva talks, the planned summit meeting raised hopes of redefining relations between the two Koreas.

59.  Even so, soldiers raised questions that senior officers say trouble them as well.

60.  Even so, the growing number of investigations and the rarity of convictions raises questions about the difficulties confronting the Justice Department in the war on terrorism.

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