11.  Sure I raised his salary, soon as the story got big.

12.  However, their length and complexity raised questions as to the appropriateness of existing procedures for such cases.

13.  Unfortunately, as British buy-outs come firmly into vogue, they raise the same question that early American ones did.

14.  Together, the observations outlined above raise the possibility that gastrin might be acting as an autocrine growth factor in some colorectal cancers.

15.  However, Topham raises a question-mark over this criticism.

16.  Involuntarily he raised his hand to his face.

17.  In addition, exogenously administered ANP raised plasma cGMP concentration in accordance with its physiological effects.

18.  However, this now raises an important practical issue.

19.  Effectively the shorter prologue to Lex Salica raises the question of the extent to which the law was royal and the extent to which it was customary.

20.  In particular the emergence as significant factors in international relations of new or growing states with new or heightened claims to precedence raised difficult questions.

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