1.   Nation states are not as weak as some make out-they do have the power to seek alternatives.

2.   People are seeking alternatives to meat-based dishes.

3.   It requires the Local Authority to seek alternatives in order to keep the child in the family, rather than legal routes for admitting children to care.

4.   International conservationists have forced the country to seek alternatives and cockroaches have similar shells, it has been found.

5.   Also, U.S. consumption of cottonseed last month rose, signaling rising demand as buyers seek alternatives to high-priced soybeans.

6.   And he did not raise prices when others did, fearing that customers would seek cheaper alternatives.

7.   And eventually, he said, the high fees that South Carolina was charging for disposal will force other states to seek alternatives or go broke.

8.   And, for the moment, there is no outside pressure on the company to seek alternatives.

9.   As a public service, I have sought happier alternatives.

10.   As American business increasingly seeks alternatives to long, expensive lawsuits, the shift toward arbitration has produced its own share of court battles.

v. + alternative >>共 232
have 15.01%
offer 11.48%
consider 7.84%
find 6.72%
provide 6.22%
seek 3.53%
explore 3.02%
see 2.52%
propose 2.46%
suggest 1.96%
seek + n. >>共 791
comment 6.91%
help 3.98%
refuge 2.48%
approval 2.06%
asylum 2.05%
support 1.99%
way 1.81%
re-election 1.81%
damage 1.72%
advice 1.69%
alternative 0.18%
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