1.   As one of the original and most ferocious of the Cold Warriors, Nixon hardly offered an alternative to the doves.

2.   Employers have always been able to contract out their workers from the scheme if they offered an acceptable alternative.

3.   However, a bus service offers an alternative if the going proves too taxing.

4.   I was offered no alternative.

5.   We will have to offer an alternative to the crap that they are peddling.

6.   If the competition offered no alternative to the proposed new product it would score highly.

7.   His programming offered no alternative but to continue his mission.

8.   If the Offline Operator enters an illegal reply and presses RETURN, a message will appear at the bottom of the screen offering the alternatives.

9.   In some cases, consulting a thesaurus will offer an alternative.

10.   A cash alternative may be offered at a lower price than the share offer but such an alternative may be safer if this is likely to happen.

v. + alternative >>共 232
have 15.01%
offer 11.48%
consider 7.84%
find 6.72%
provide 6.22%
seek 3.53%
explore 3.02%
see 2.52%
propose 2.46%
suggest 1.96%
offer + n. >>共 1031
service 4.65%
advice 1.73%
detail 1.62%
support 1.47%
help 1.35%
explanation 1.32%
evidence 1.09%
job 1.09%
opportunity 1.08%
discount 1.03%
alternative 0.56%
每页显示:    共 204