1.   The Treasury was sufficiently disgruntled to explore the alternative of dispensing with Marshall Aid altogether in the interest of national independence.

2.   And Greenwald chided his fellow executives not to reach for the layoff weapon before exploring other alternatives.

3.   Andersen officials will meet in London shortly to explore alternatives.

4.   But a faction within the management board has begun exploring several alternatives.

5.   CBI said that it wanted to explore alternatives to the Praxair bid and disclosed that the company had entered into confidentiality agreements with other parties.

6.   Cowles Media Co. said it is exploring strategic alternatives, including a merger with another U.S. media company, on the request of its controlling shareholder.

7.   Earlier this week the Army Corps of Engineers was scheduled to convene representatives from regulatory agencies and the dredging and tourism industries to explore longer-term alternatives.

8.   Earlier, CBI said it wanted to explore alternatives to the Praxair bid and disclosed that the company had entered into confidentiality agreements with other parties.

9.   Finding yourself in this awkward position, you should explore alternatives to outright lies, perhaps with the help of a lawyer.

10.   Given that, he argued that the juvenile court should have explored alternatives for Skakel.

v. + alternative >>共 232
have 15.01%
offer 11.48%
consider 7.84%
find 6.72%
provide 6.22%
seek 3.53%
explore 3.02%
see 2.52%
propose 2.46%
suggest 1.96%
explore + n. >>共 889
possibility 8.99%
way 8.97%
option 6.09%
opportunity 3.25%
issue 2.41%
idea 2.16%
area 1.71%
world 1.34%
alternative 1.34%
avenue 1.27%
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