1.   A number of members of Congress have begun talking about Social Security and introducing reform legislation.

2.   An alternative course would be to introduce general legislation to protect the public interest when an essential service is threatened.

3.   Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., introduced legislation Thursday that would boost spending on heart disease research for women.

4.   In recent years, the Government has introduced legislation which has brought fundamental changes to local government.

5.   Instead of introducing immediate legislation, the Home Office responded with time-honoured delaying tactics.

6.   John Glenn, D-Ohio, intends to introduce legislation that would prohibit ships from discharging organism-laced ballast water in estuaries.

7.   Legislation will be introduced to reinforce the regulation of privatised utilities.

8.   Many tried and failed to introduce legislation to remedy the situation.

v. + legislation >>共 575
pass 13.30%
introduce 10.92%
approve 5.23%
sign 3.77%
support 3.69%
veto 3.50%
enact 2.69%
draft 2.68%
consider 2.27%
oppose 2.21%
introduce + n. >>共 1624
legislation 10.63%
bill 9.42%
measure 3.11%
product 2.33%
reform 1.88%
resolution 1.67%
system 1.34%
law 1.33%
model 1.04%
amendment 1.04%
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