1.   Clinton opposed the legislation but signed it anyway because, he said, he needed other important measures in the defense bill.

2.   He slammed the door on every meeting, opposed all legislation and blocked the working of institutions.

3.   Rejection of fast-track by Congress would be a stunning victory for organized labor and environmentalists, who vigorously opposed the legislation.

4.   Members of the extreme right opposed the legislation.

5.   The right-wing Italian Social Movement and the Republican Party unsuccessfully opposed the legislation, which was subject to Senate approval.

6.   In opposing the legislation, the Bulgarian Socialist Party had the support of President Zhelyu Zhelev.

7.   HNS party president Savka Dabcevic-Kucar, said that the party would oppose the legislation for as long as the aggression against Croatia lasts.

8.   Also targeting those senators will be state regulators and consumer groups who have opposed the legislation.

9.   Although he supported a wide range of liberal causes, he dutifully opposed civil rights legislation and even said the Supreme Court decision was wrong.

10.   Analysts and consumer groups that have opposed the legislation agreed.

v. + legislation >>共 575
pass 13.30%
introduce 10.92%
approve 5.23%
sign 3.77%
support 3.69%
veto 3.50%
enact 2.69%
draft 2.68%
consider 2.27%
oppose 2.21%
oppose + n. >>共 823
plan 3.79%
bill 3.59%
measure 3.43%
idea 3.21%
move 3.01%
abortion 2.17%
effort 1.85%
use 1.82%
proposal 1.69%
change 1.63%
legislation 1.41%
每页显示:    共 180