1.   But when bills are introduced in Congress to help curb the epidemic of corporate crime, there is an eerie silence.

2.   He introduced a bill to legalize abortion two years before Roe v. Wade.

3.   Legislators introduce bills in the legislative body and examine and vote on bills introduced by other legislators.

4.   Like many other states, Arizona has introduced bills to regulate HMOs in an effort to protect those enrolled in the plans.

5.   Members ballot for the right to introduce bills on Fridays allocated to this purpose.

6.   The Bisbee Democrat introduced a bill this legislative session that would have repealed that law, but it never got a hearing.

7.   The senator introduced a bill that would increase the minimum wage.

8.   They also introduced bills that would achieve the same result.

9.   The bill was introduced by Representative Smith.

10.   The bill was introduced in response to a wave of food riots and looting of warehouses used to store foreign aid supplies.

v. + bill >>共 459
pay 10.06%
pass 9.37%
sign 6.22%
approve 5.78%
veto 5.68%
introduce 5.33%
oppose 3.10%
support 2.89%
foot 2.20%
send 1.74%
introduce + n. >>共 1624
legislation 10.63%
bill 9.42%
measure 3.11%
product 2.33%
reform 1.88%
resolution 1.67%
system 1.34%
law 1.33%
model 1.04%
amendment 1.04%
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