81.   Officials are considering charges for staging the strikes without advance notice.

82.   Numerous charges are being considered against both, he said.

83.   Officials said Wednesday they were considering misdemeanor charges of disorderly conduct against the five.

84.   Only after the commission investigates or dismisses a case can the charge be considered in a civil lawsuit, he said.

85.   On Monday, Sharif is to appear before the Supreme Court, which is considering contempt charges against him for criticizing the chief justice.

86.   Other British cities and counties, including Manchester, Nottingham, Cambridgeshire, Derby, Durham and Birmingham are considering congestion charges.

87.   Police said they are investigating and considering criminal charges.

88.   Prosecutor Alfons Grevener said his office was considering possible charges of negligent manslaughter against the construction firm or train operator.

89.   Prosecutor Ralf Meyer said his office was considering possible charges of negligent manslaughter against the construction firm or city-owned train operator.

90.   Prosecutors are considering charges, she said, and the investigation is continuing.

v. + charge >>共 338
deny 18.21%
face 15.71%
file 11.12%
take 5.68%
drop 5.16%
bring 4.59%
dismiss 2.83%
press 2.59%
lead 1.53%
reject 1.25%
consider 0.52%
consider + n. >>共 1200
option 2.65%
possibility 2.40%
proposal 2.04%
case 1.98%
action 1.95%
appeal 1.95%
request 1.95%
issue 1.57%
change 1.49%
bill 1.33%
charge 0.80%
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