51.   With at least two states considering charges against Rogers, it is uncertain where he might be tried first.

52.   Prosecutors are considering possible charges against the pilots for violating laws requiring advance notice of strikes.

53.   Prosecutors were considering charges of disturbing the peace and damaging public property against the older suspect, police spokesman Uwe Kraul said.

54.   Police were considering charges of blackmail and attempted manslaughter.

55.   Ramos ordered state prosecutors to consider criminal charges against the nine, including the current and former ambassadors and two former heads of the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration.

56.   Porteous said evidence collected against Hallam had been handed to New South Wales state police, who were considering fraud charges.

57.   A grand jury in Indiana will consider additional charges.

58.   A grand jury is to consider additional charges this week against Andrews, who is being held without bond in the Franklin County jail.

59.   Abdel-Meguid was in police custody and was to be presented to prosecutors to consider charges of traveling without a signalman and negligence.

60.   After nine days of testimony, prosecutors asked a judge on Wednesday to let a jury consider lesser charges against four police officers accused of murdering Amadou Diallo.

v. + charge >>共 338
deny 18.21%
face 15.71%
file 11.12%
take 5.68%
drop 5.16%
bring 4.59%
dismiss 2.83%
press 2.59%
lead 1.53%
reject 1.25%
consider 0.52%
consider + n. >>共 1200
option 2.65%
possibility 2.40%
proposal 2.04%
case 1.98%
action 1.95%
appeal 1.95%
request 1.95%
issue 1.57%
change 1.49%
bill 1.33%
charge 0.80%
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