41.   The court also ruled that prosecutors can consider unproven charges in calculating the risk each offender brings to his community after his release from prison.

42.   The grand jury in Great Falls is to consider such charges.

43.   The law allows public officials the special right to speak to a grand jury considering charges against them.

44.   The jury is also considering charges of kidnapping, assault and false imprisonment.

45.   The Maricopa County attorney, Richard Romley, said additional civil rights charges were being considered.

46.   The official said it was unclear what specific charges might be brought against Moussaoui, but added that various charges were being considered.

47.   The police investigation has been completed, and the Clarke County district attorney is considering charges against the men.

48.   The question of whether the jury should be allowed to consider lesser charges has hovered over the trial since a grand jury indicted the officers for murder.

49.   The Tokyo Public Prosecutors Office is considering criminal charges against former Yamaichi Chairman Tsugio Yukihira and President Atsuo Miki for hiding the losses, Japanese newspapers have reported.

50.   They sought help from the FBI, and the district attorney went to a grand jury to have it consider a charge of attempted murder.

v. + charge >>共 338
deny 18.21%
face 15.71%
file 11.12%
take 5.68%
drop 5.16%
bring 4.59%
dismiss 2.83%
press 2.59%
lead 1.53%
reject 1.25%
consider 0.52%
consider + n. >>共 1200
option 2.65%
possibility 2.40%
proposal 2.04%
case 1.98%
action 1.95%
appeal 1.95%
request 1.95%
issue 1.57%
change 1.49%
bill 1.33%
charge 0.80%
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