81.   Now, Straw is considering changes to a system that has protected police officers guilty of misconduct and allowed them to retire early with their pensions intact.

82.   Now he must consider some changes.

83.   Officials of the union are eager to start the talks, and they have shown willingness to consider big changes in policy.

84.   On a longer-term basis, Greenspan said that the Fed was considering changes in the use of its discount window, which can make loans to banks.

85.   One bit of good news, he added, is that the White House is considering changes in the welfare law.

86.   Oxford also appears to be considering some changes to its Freedom plan, which became popular precisely because it seemed to offer substantial choice at a reasonable price.

87.   Pentagon officials said the other armed services would consider similar changes in their retirement policies for senior officers.

88.   Powers said Monday that the commission might very well consider such changes in the future, but definitely not before November.

89.   Rambis has considered other changes in the rotation as well, but is making one at a time.

90.   Rumors had abounded for the past couple of years that changes were being considered.

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change 1.49%
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