71.   League disciplinarian Rod Thorn said he is considering several changes, and with two attacks on referees in as many months, something should be done.

72.   Like its high school counterpart, the NCAA now is considering changes because of the influx of foreign athletes.

73.   Lest anyone forget what is at stake, senior citizen lobbyists were quick to react to news Saturday that CPI changes were being considered.

74.   MacWeek said Apple was considering the change because it thought consumers associated the Performa name with older technology.

75.   MASTERS-PREVIEW-TIGERSIDE -- Would Augusta National ever consider changes to Tiger-proof Augusta National?

76.   Members of Congress from both parties said they would consider such changes seriously.

77.   Mineta said a wide range of new, stricter, permanent security changes will be considered under an FAA rule-making process that began early this year.

78.   Missouri Gas Energy said it was also considering changes in its hedging program.

79.   Ms. McGrath-McKechnie would not say whether her agency is considering major changes.

80.   Neither change was considered for even a nanosecond, nor should it have been.

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