1.   Although the forms remained basically the same, his past underwent slight changes.

2.   And with Herbert Ross initially set to direct, the production has undergone many changes before reaching the Emerald Isle.

3.   Art and artists have undergone profound changes since then.

4.   Attention is focused on the organization undergoing change, rather than on comparison with any control group.

5.   Both the computer and financial services industries were undergoing rapid change.

6.   In certain cases its cells undergo changes, which in time can lead to cancer.

7.   It inquires whether the conception of community has undergone any change as a consequence of the crowd phenomenon.

8.   The banking sector has undergone radical changes in recent years with branches closing and staffing rationalised.

9.   The conventional approach to nature was about to undergo a change, and that change was already making itself felt.

10.   The country has undergone massive changes recently.

v. + change >>共 560
make 20.65%
see 2.54%
expect 2.31%
bring 2.10%
announce 1.95%
need 1.94%
undergo 1.69%
force 1.64%
want 1.62%
reflect 1.55%
undergo + n. >>共 573
surgery 38.13%
treatment 9.83%
test 6.70%
operation 3.34%
change 3.27%
chemotherapy 1.80%
therapy 1.51%
training 1.49%
procedure 1.32%
repair 1.12%
每页显示:    共 275