11.   And the bill only slightly raises the ceiling on regulations concerning media and broadcast ownership, although the FCC is considering changes here too.

12.   And the season looks even better when you consider all the changes in his life.

13.   As a result, many are scrutinizing their auditors, adopting policies against buying consulting services from them, and considering other changes.

14.   As a result, both parties are considering drastic changes to the haphazard primary system.

15.   As the weekend approached, no fewer than four clubs were reported to be considering changes behind their bench.

16.   At the same time, the company announced it had hired Lehman and was considering big changes.

17.   Atlanta-based ValuJet also is considering product changes as it prepares for a holding company merger with the parent of Florida-based AirTran.

18.   - A pledge to consider changes in land-tax laws.

19.   - A pledge to actively consider changes in land-tax laws.

20.   A lobby and research group for low-income people said Thursday the state should eliminate tax exemptions before considering changes to current tax rates.

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consider + n. >>共 1200
option 2.65%
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request 1.95%
issue 1.57%
change 1.49%
bill 1.33%
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