1.   Investors were shifting funds from U.S. to Asian stocks.

2.   American depositary receipts of Asian stocks tumbled, following an overnight plunge in those markets on concern that declining currencies will keep forcing interest rates higher, hurting profits.

3.   And Asian stocks are sinking for more reasons than just real estate.

4.   Another positive is a report that top-ranked fund managers like Mark Mobius of the Franklin Templeton mutual fund group are buying Asian stocks, Wilson said.

5.   Argentine stocks fell for the first time in five sessions as overnight declines in Asian stocks and bonds prompted investors to pull money out of other emerging markets.

6.   Asian stocks dropped this week as rocketing interest rates raised borrowing costs and hurt profits.

7.   Asian stocks lagged markets in Europe and the Americas.

8.   Asian stocks reeled, as regional governments fumbled attempts to shore up confidence in their weakening economies.

9.   Asian stocks and currencies fell, as stocks in Singapore and Hong Kong plunged.

10.   Asian stocks and currencies rebounded as a result.

a. + stock >>共 735
japanese 8.79%
canadian 3.09%
financial 3.06%
mexican 2.95%
european 2.02%
philippine 1.85%
brazilian 1.71%
colombian 1.71%
chilean 1.69%
new 1.59%
asian 1.09%
asian + n. >>共 698
country 12.10%
market 9.46%
crisis 8.12%
nation 5.10%
economy 4.55%
currency 4.21%
tour 1.47%
stock 1.32%
company 1.13%
leader 1.09%
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