1.   Already, cash-poor Asian companies are seeking buyers for subsidiaries to raise money quickly.

2.   Also falling were companies that compete with Asian companies.

3.   American depositary receipts of Asian companies fell in New York.

4.   Among Asian companies, the Taiwanese are most active.

5.   And Chinese and other Asian companies are angling for listings in New York and London, rather than Tokyo.

6.   Analysts say Grundig might be attractive to an Asian company looking for access to the European market.

7.   And he says the U.S. government is standing by while Wall Street buys Asian companies at fire-sale prices.

8.   And sorting out various ownership rights in Asian companies is complex.

9.   Asian companies are taking advantage of low global interest rates and growing demand from international investors for debt from the region.

10.   Asian companies in some sectors such as property development are no stranger to debt issues.

a. + company >>共 660
insurance 5.96%
the 4.70%
new 3.88%
foreign 3.26%
private 3.26%
japanese 2.69%
american 2.14%
small 1.80%
big 1.78%
pharmaceutical 1.69%
asian 0.24%
asian + n. >>共 698
country 12.10%
market 9.46%
crisis 8.12%
nation 5.10%
economy 4.55%
currency 4.21%
tour 1.47%
stock 1.32%
company 1.13%
leader 1.09%
每页显示:    共 169