81.  At this time, a tall girl wearing horsetail strode and passed by us with a light suitcase.

82.  ' \

83.  Several cardboard boxes filled with books and magazines were laid tightly under the table.

84.  I swore to myself that I will never believe anything without witnessing it with my own eyes!

85.  So, I decided to chat up with someone to distract my attention to the awful hot weather.

86.  During our conversation, he seldom made eye contact with me which really made me feel a little embarrassed.

87.  When we are talking about stereotypes on campus, we tend to connect them with students.

88.  Nothing happened; his face was soon covered with frustration.

89.  Cultivation of Ideological Morality", was a name born with bias as it were.

90.  He stood there with loneliness, and all we could give him was sympathetic stare.

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