11.  Nevertheless, I hope we will advance with the times, only by this means can we really enjoy ourselves in campus life.

12.  The campus provides the world with advanced knowledge full of innovation.

13.  These classes, no matter what category, have stereotypes to make progress with the syllabus-movies, journals and presentations.

14.  The white paper is printed with messages, sent into the students' hands and finally abandoned in the ash bin.

15.  However, everyone has his own independent and complete disposition, even with effect from subjects.

16.  They believe their judgement instead of come up with the truth.

17.  One who mixes with vermilion will turn red, one who touches the pitch shall be defiled therewith.

18.  Staying with science or social science for a long time, girls or boys must be influenced inevitably.

19.  Whence I was stamped with an image in which no homework bothers me and no people push me that hard.

20.  Being well equipped with knowledge is much better than being "naked".

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