31.  One more essential, you are able and must to get at least one relationship with a boy.

32.  To the opposite, students majoring in social science or liberal arts are always thought to be so man-made in appearance with cosmetics, perfumes and countless accessories, hypercritical in wording and manners, sensitive and whiny in communication.

33.  Simply take my friends for example, I have a high school alumnus who excels in Chinese calligraphy, and his comment on works of art always won me over with profundity and broadness.

34.  If you judge him with the criterion I have mentioned above, he must be a classic Arts student right?

35.  But if you replace the books with a literal one, I believe they will drowse in no time.

36.  Even before real contact with someone else, stereotypes might have grown from some invisible campus-standards.

37.  A person cannot be simply described via this way, and to simply match someone with his major's feature is irresponsible.

38.  If they don't try to do communications with each other, situation must go bad sometime.

39.  In my opinion, stereotypes have much to do with the lack of communication and mutual understanding.

40.  Considering that I was deeply interested in English literature, I determined to recite a sonnet written by Shakespeare because I thought I could advance it with expression.

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