1.  Denver officials have repeatedly rejected claims they misled investors.

2.  Department officials said Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has repeatedly raised the issue of Trie's whereabouts in meetings with Chinese government officials in recent weeks.

3.  Desmarest has repeatedly said Total won't back out of the 1995 agreement or stop seeking new ones because of the U.S. law.

4.  DeLay ventured even further, depicting Clinton as an untrustworthy chief executive who has reneged repeatedly on agreements with Congress over the last three years.

5.  Delegates repeatedly called for debt forgiveness for the continent, which would total about $300 billion, as a way to fund the AIDS fight.

6.  DeLillo has repeatedly been invited to appear at the Seattle Arts and Lectures Series, now in its 10th season.

7.  Dell founder Michael Dell has repeatedly stated his philosophy of building products that are in line with the broadest standards.

8.  Despite a few early contracts, the company discovered that its low bids were repeatedly rejected.

9.  Current backup software, for example, cannot save long file names, and the inadequate Windows 95 backup program crashed repeatedly on my system.

10.  Demakos' ruling Tuesday came after he repeatedly asked Gordon whether he understood the ramifications of his request.

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