81.  As Breslin, a devout Catholic, repeatedly avows, the greatest sin of all is boring people.

82.  As a result, Asian countries have repeatedly plied Japan with hints, sometime even outright demands, for apologies.

83.  Doctors and nurses failed repeatedly to check the patient's identity.

84.  Doctors and researchers at WPAFB Medical Center are using the same technology to measure patients' wounds repeatedly over time, to see how well they're healing.

85.  Doctors repeatedly drained the fluids around Damion's heart that threatened to suffocate him.

86.  Dole also has repeatedly endorsed Clinton's efforts to expand free trade.

87.  Dole and Republicans have repeatedly complained about effective advertisements financed by labor this year attacking Republican proposals in Congress.

88.  Dole has tried repeatedly to interject defense issues into the presidential campaign.

89.  Dole presented an entirely different view, repeatedly presenting Clinton as disingenuous and untrustworthy.

90.  Dole repeatedly questioned Clinton's credibility while presenting himself as "a plain speaking man" who "learned long ago that your word was your bond."

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